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           P.O. Box 3608 * Van Nuys, CA 91407



  Let me begin by saying I hope everyone had a safe and happy
  holiday; we did.   A lot of people wrote and called wanting to
  know what's been happening with DANZIG and why haven't they
  received any new information.  Well folks things have been pretty
  quiet here on the DANZIG front.

  DANZIG are presently in the studio putting the finishing touches
  on the new album which io yet untitled.  We are shooting for the
  end of April or May as a release date.  As soon as I have a
  definite date I'll let you know.

  As I said before there is no set date for the album, but as soon
  as it is released DANZIG will be going back on the road rockin'
  the way only DANZIG can.  Be on the look out for those tour dates
  in the mail; this is one concert you don't want to miss.  For
  those of you who caught DANZIG last year you know exactly what
  I'm talking about, but if you've yet to experience DANZIG you're
  in for a real treat.  Keep your eyes and ears open for updates and
  late-breaking information.

  ANGELS OF THE SEVENTH DAWN has been going on for a while and is
  quite a success.  If you haven't joined yet it's not too late.
  You can start the new year as an ANGEL !

  Keep the faith and help make DANZIG #1 in 1992.

  The DANZIG Way, The Only Way-