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   It's common knowledge that if the Misfits wanted to they could rule the
world.  But they seem content as is with their cult status, releasing vinyl
infrequently and playing with as much (ir)regularity.  However, when the
Misfits do gig, they put on the best shows, with as much expertise and
sheer foce, as is to be foind anywhere.  And when they put ou vinyl, it's
almost always as successful.  They have a style and appeal that's unique
and all its own.  Scary and sinister yet with hardcore appeal, hard
and fast yet eerie.  Lon Chaney freaks on a thrash trip, invading your house
and raping your mind.
   Two Misfits record have recently fallen into my possession, although I'm
not sure if they'll be the most recent by the time you read this.  The first
is the "Three Hits From Hell" e.p. featuring "London Dungeon," "Horror
Hotel," and "Ghouls Night Out," the second is the new single, "Halloween I" 
b/w "Halloween II," both on Plan 9 Records.
   Neither one is as hardcore and fast as previous releases.  The e.p. was
done after Bobby Steele (now of the Undead) was bumped, but some of his
guitar work is on "London Dungeon."  The thing that I like on this e.p.
that's rarely commented on is Glenn Danzig's singing.  It's echoy and creepy
and must be manic live.  Arthur Googy's thump-thump-pop drumming is great
too, basic but occasionally jumping in with a roll that you gotta be careful
to catch.  "London Dungeon" is the slower song on the e.p. and is my
favorite.  The songs on the flip are more hardcore and guitar oriented.
(Doyle Only, bassist Jerry's bro, is the new ax man).  Lots more drums and
an approach closer to rock and roll (the old stuff, not any of this new Rock
and Roll Bullshit).
   The "Halloween" 45 is two pretty different versions of the same song (or
is it two similar songs).  They are, again, not as hardcore, slower, more
haunting and eerie.  Damn catchy, too.  They put that echo on the vocals.  I
like the songs here even more than the e.p.
   Meanwhile, it appears that we may be in for a Misfits vinyl invasion.
Their album, "Misfits Walk Among Us," should be out by the time you read
this.  It'll have 13 songs, including "Horror Hotel" and "Ghouls Night Out."
After that they'll be releasing a 45 called "Triple Bill E.P." featuring
the underground classic "Hate Breeders" plus two others.  If this all happens
on schedule, many children will be happy.  They're also working on a movie,
from which "Halloween II" comes from.  The Misfits Fiend Club is now being
run by the band, and much better than before.  They now market buttons and a
variety of t-shirts with other dumb unnecessary things planned for our
enjoyment and to make money.
   The Misfits have been called the American equivalent of the Damned.
They're better.  They can be located through the Misfits Fiend Club,
Box 3112, Grand Central Station, N.Y.C., N.Y., 10163.  (The e.p. is
available for $3.00, the single for $2.50)